During my first year of high school, amidst the rainy season, while enjoying living alone due to my parents' business trip, I, an utterly average guy, encountered my strikingly good-looking neighbor, Sajou-san, on a certain rainy day.
In front of my neighboring apartment's entrance, seeing her sitting there, drenched and hugging her knees, I couldn't just leave her be, so I decided to invite her into my room. Everything was fine up to that point, but..
"Do as you please," she said, and began to take off her wet clothes. Her breasts didn't fit into the hoodie I lent her after she took a shower. She seemed defenseless, somewhat reckless, leaving me stunned.
Two days later, she unexpectedly appeared at school, presenting me with a homemade bento. Was this some sort of cosplay trespassing? I teased, only for Sajou-san to nod towards the adjacent seat. It had remained empty since the beginning of the term—a spot reserved for the absentee student. "I'm Hitori Sajou. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, neighbor-san," she introduced herself with a hint of mystery lingering in her demeanor.