In the kingdom of Merlia, a six-year-old boy named Ed embarks on an extraordinary journey. One fateful day, while strolling along the bustling streets, a minor incident occurs that changes his life forever. Tripping over a small rock, Ed hits his head and experiences a sudden rush of memories from his past life on Earth.
Back on Earth, in Japan, Ed was an ordinary male student attending a typical high school. However, fate had a different plan for him. He now finds himself living in the slums, devoid of his parents' presence. Determined to survive in this enchanting yet perilous fantasy world filled with monsters, Ed harnesses his unique skill of appraisal.
With his keen appraisal abilities, Ed embarks on a quest for gathering resources and hunting formidable creatures. This skill becomes his lifeline, enabling him to adapt to his new environment and pursue a slower, more peaceful lifestyle. As he navigates through this captivating world, Ed discovers the joys of savoring simple pleasures and sating his hunger with the bounties of his endeavors.
Join Ed on an immersive adventure as he unveils the wonders of the kingdom, overcomes challenges, and embraces the path of self-discovery in a world where magic and monsters coexist. Will try to upload 5-10 chapter per week
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