I, Jiro Togawa is a first-year high school student who has a precious childhood friend, she is a beautiful girl named Shiori Katahira.
I was planning to confess my feelings to her when I enter high school, but as soon as we entered high school, I was NTR’ed by Kajino Kippei, he is a flirtatious guy from the same grade as us…
On top of that, I saw them having sex on the bed in Shiori’s room.
Heartbroken, I skipped school for the first time in my life.
I want to die, but I don’t have the guts to kill myself.
Then, a gal who is in the same grade as me, Suyama Arisa, approached me.
She has beautiful blonde hair, brown-coloured skin, and really huge breasts.
Suyama-san is very kind to me, who is a very dull guy, and comforts me when my precious childhood friend was stolen from me.
And from there, my fate changed.