Haruyuki Inamori, a high school student who lost his parents in an accident, has been living alone with most of his parents' inheritance in order to escape his money-grubbing relatives. Having to earn all the money except for school fees on his own, Haruyuki spends his time outside of school working part-time. However, while working late at night to cover up his age, he accidentally helps a girl in his class who is being tangled up with a drunkard, and is fired from his job. Haruyuki is at his wits' end after losing his lucrative job, but the girl he rescued, Tojo Fuyuki, offers him an unbelievable deal.
"If you marry me, I promise to support you for the rest of your life."
Haruyuki is skeptical about this too-good-to-be-true offer from the only daughter of the Tojo Group, a large corporation, but he agrees to it on the small condition that he will first try it out. From that day on, he started his sweet life with the daughter of a president. The day begins with breakfast prepared by her, and then the two of them go to school together. Whenever they have free time, they watch a movie together or play a popular game. On holidays, they enjoy dates in the city and sleep well in the same bed at night. This is a sweet love comedy about a struggling high school student and the daughter of the president of a company that everyone envies.
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Thank you for the chapters 🙂
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chap~~~
MC: I don’t trust my relatives, they are after my parents money
Also MC: *proceeds to give them all the money
I’m enjoying the series. Thank you for the chapters.
Damn I really need more of this. The sweetness I can sense already..
Japan should adhere to some system for underage work or something like that lol, here in Brazil you can get a job with a salary equivalent to an adult (A minimum salary, not a big deal but it’s a fortune for a teenager lol) with a formal contract and any right to work, of course it’s kind of bureaucratic to get a job, but a high school student in the MC situation would do it easily, and in addition to receiving a very good salary, the law requires the employer to allow that the teenager takes breaks in the middle of the day to study, then you have money, receive the benefits of an adult and still have time to study
Yeah in India my schoolmates are already on the level of small yakuza’s
She dropped the big question, with no hesitation at all.
Thanks for the chapter!
Can’t wait for the cohabitation to begin.
Thanks for the chapter!
@everyone where 😮
Tikendra sahu
Can anyone give me its raw link
This only the first chapter but I have a feeling that the plot would be at least somewhat similar to I’m going to live with you not because I like you.
Sam H.
“Met the most…” what?
Good start. Seems nice. Thx for the translation